The affordable, easy to use Bore-X Hand Held Tool lets you install pipe or conduit under sidewalks, driveways or roads faster with less effort. Your productivity will increase with the use of the Bore-X Tool! It pays for itself on the 1st job. The lightweight and small size allows boring in tight spaces, impossible for larger machines. Quick to set up, prep time is usually about 15 minutes, and boring normally proceeds at an average speed of 1 foot per minute. Compact and affordable, you can keep a Bore-X Tool on every truck. We recommend using the tool on a 2x4 so you can level or angle your bore as needed and to keep the tool out of the dirt. The BORE-X Tool is an amazing lightweight tool that has made underground boring easier for thousands of people. Originally designed to help landscapers get their jobs done faster with less effort, the BORE-X Tool is now also used by electricians, plumbers, pool repair, utility contractors, security system installers, and more.